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Food Plot 4 - Hancock Regal Graze Ladino Clover, Tecomate Six Point Chicory

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

Last year I wanted to burn this plot down and I got lazy, this year it came back a little better so I left it alone. The Chicory came up well and the Ladino is coming back Ok, but good enough to attrack deer and bear.

Activity Results

Activity was fantastic and that was due primarily to the habitat work I did with the apples surrounding this plot. But the deer were also heavily utilizing the chicory and clover as well. After a season of scouting I knew our number one buck was consistently feeding in this plot so my very first hunt I picked this stand and killed him. My best buck to date was killed here last bow season.


This plot will get wiped out this spring. There's too many weeds and time for something new. But both crops did well and I'd plant them again if I needed another Chicory plot.

September Photo (Macro)

September Photo (Micro)

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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